[Johnny's are love]


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Если у вас есть какие-то вопросы, вам нужна помощь в ролевой, не можете зарегистрироваться, и прочее...пишите здесь! Вам помогут :)



Наверное, мой вопрос не по теме, но мой партер по игре давно не приходит, могу ли я начать играть с кем-то другим?



Atsumori Yukio
можно)) отыгрыш будет перенесен, можешь начинать игру в другой локации.)



Ueda Tatsuya
Спасибо :3



Вот у меня возник вопрос. Я хотел играть за канона, но я завис на пункте в анкете:
4) Из какой группы ваш персонаж?
Мой персонаж, по идее, актер (и все прочее вытикающее из этого), так что мне надо написать в этот пункт?



As for having multiple orgasms, yes, I have them most of the time but not always. I liked his looks, and I liked the fact that he was naked, and that his cock was huge and thick, and that his balls were full and hairy. There was a lot of talking over the two weeks that followed. My orgasm was the most intense I have ever experienced. We must have put all the pillows in the house on the bed to make sure that our guest of honor would be comfortable during all the fun she was going to have. As I've mentioned, I'm not the most experienced guy you'll ever meet (or not meet in this case), so all I really know about is pretty much straight sex. Fm: BOB B. You are relieved to find out that it was a feather, not a spider, that caused another orgasm, and your body cums again through the sequence with the vibrator, clasping my cock sweetly as you cum. I am not sure if I have "phenominal" orgasms but I do make a lot of noise when I come. Chris returned, and she was wearing sweat pants and an exercise top that left her flat stomach bare.



As for having multiple orgasms, yes, I have them most of the time but not always. I liked his looks, and I liked the fact that he was naked, and that his cock was huge and thick, and that his balls were full and hairy. There was a lot of talking over the two weeks that followed. My orgasm was the most intense I have ever experienced. We must have put all the pillows in the house on the bed to make sure that our guest of honor would be comfortable during all the fun she was going to have. As I've mentioned, I'm not the most experienced guy you'll ever meet (or not meet in this case), so all I really know about is pretty much straight sex. Fm: BOB B. You are relieved to find out that it was a feather, not a spider, that caused another orgasm, and your body cums again through the sequence with the vibrator, clasping my cock sweetly as you cum. I am not sure if I have "phenominal" orgasms but I do make a lot of noise when I come. Chris returned, and she was wearing sweat pants and an exercise top that left her flat stomach bare.



Вода все еще монотонно шумела, и мне вдруг пришло в голову, что Валечка плачет в ванной под плеск воды.
Наполнив рюмки, мы выпили и Алеша поочереди поцеловал нас.
Они с трудом преодолели несколько сложных мест, но все-таки покорили гордую вершину.

Видя всеобщий пессимизм, она добавляет: учрежден приз тому, кто отважится, - ящик шоколадного ликера, а пока нас приглашают посмотреть национальные танцы.
- Ну я больше не буду, я потихонечку,- пообещал он и опять раздвинул мои ноги.



Не понимаю про какую анкету идёт речь. Как начать игру? Помогите, пожалуйста.



Привет ребята. Я красивая и нeпослyшнaя девушка. Очень xoчy быть твоей любовницей и дpyгом! Со мнoй можно познакомиться на этoм сайте rhodonriosea.tk/xmycq


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